West Salem Village Board Recap for December

The West Salem Village Board met Monday for their final session in 2023.

Mayor Jeffrey Bradham thanked the West Salem Development Association, The West Salem Volunteer Fire Department Association, Area Churches and volunteers for a very successful Christmas Tree Lighting on the Square event. The Christmas trees will remain lit through the New Year’s Day.

Mayor Bradham encouraged residents to take care of their pets and property. There has been an increase in complaints regarding loose dogs, and stray cats in the last few months.

The Village was notified that West Salem has been awarded a $30,000.00 Lead Service Line Inventory grant from the State of Illinois.

Finance Chair George Gerlach noted that while the Village is 67% through its fiscal year, it has spent only 40% of the Budget for the year. He also informed the Board that the Fire Truck Bond was paid off this month. Because the Bond was paid off one year earlier than anticipated, the Village saved about $3,000.00 in interest.

In action items, the village board approved accepting a Narcan Dispenser from the Egyptian Health Department. Carrie Dagg of Egyptian Health Department made a presentation to the Board explaining that they received a grant to provide one Narcan dispenser in each of the 30 Southern Illinois counties they serve. There is no cost to the Village. The dispenser will be located in the lobby of Village Hall.

The board approved of a raise for Assistant Water Superintendent Mike Clark following a positive annual performance review. It was noted that Mr. Clark is pursuing his class C and Class D water licenses.  

The village board approved  legislation in regards to the Paid Leave for all Workers Act – which provides one weeks of paid days of leave for all Village employees, as required by Illinois law.

The next regularly scheduled Village Board Meeting will be Monday, January 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm.