The latest numbers from the CDC tracker shows Wayne County has fallen back to the low level from moderate for COVID transmission with three new hospitalizations reported last week. Jefferson County reported with three new hospitalizations. Six new hospitalizations were reported in Marion County and Clay County had two new hospitalizations. Most of south-central Illinois is at the low level for transmission. Marion and Jefferson counties are reported to be at the moderate level.

The CDC tracker indicated just six counties in Illinois were at the moderate level, with the other counties in the northern part of the state. No counties are listed at the high level. Meanwhile, the Illinois Department of Public Health said data indicated respiratory viruses are continuing to circulate around the state and Illinois’ overall respiratory virus level has moved up from low to moderate based on a rise in flu reports.

Also announced recently, the new CDC guidance no longer requires that people who test positive for COVID-19 need to isolate for five days before returning to work or other activities. Instead, people can now isolate until their conditions improve and follow the recommended safety precautions once they return to work or other activities.