Child Find Screenings Coming to Fairfield

The Fairfield Public School District #112 along with Jasper, New Hope, and Geff School Districts are conducting Child Find/Preschool Screenings for 3 to 5-year-old children. The screenings wil be held at North Side School on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 17, 18, and 19, 2024.
The screening checks each child’s progress in hearing, vision, speech, language, and coordination skills. This will give parents a better idea of how their child is progressing at this very young age before he/ she begins school.
This screening program is free and parents will receive immediate feedback on how their child is developing. Head Start and Family Enrichment personnel may also be present to explain their program and services.
The free screening procedure takes about 45 minutes, and appointments must be made, Parents should call 842-6501 to make an appointment or to get more information.