The Fairfield Community High School District Board of Education met for their monthly meeting last (Thursday) night in the FCHS Studay Hall with the following actions taking place.
The Board approved the consent agenda and the FY25 budget for 30-day review. The Board voted to accept the resignation of Rebecca August as JV Scholar Bowl coach and the resignation of Paula Merkle as an assistant kitchen employee.
The Board approved the hiring of Michelle L. Tucker as an individual aide, Ron Koontz and Marty Brooker as custodians and Kristi Anderson as Scholastic Society Sponsor. Approved the hiring of Stephanie Johnson and Jay Simpson as Freshmen Class Sponsors, Colin McDuffee as the JV Scholastic Bowl Sponsor and approved pay increases for members of the non-certified staff and approved Macayle Gilbert as a volunteer volleyball coach.
Grady Simpson appeard before the Board and spoke on behalf of the Student Council regarding their National Convention and his running for state office.