The schedule for Geff Frontier Days sponsored by the Geff Ruritan Club has been set for Saturday, September 7th in the Geff park with a full day of events.
8:30am-10am: Car and Truck Show
(Contact Britt McNeely 713-203-3875)
8:30am-10am: Antique Tractor Show
9am: Frog Races (Children’s Event)
9:30am: Turtle Races (Children’s Event)
9:30am-3:30pm: Quilt Show (Contact 618-516-3208)
10am: Diaper Derby
10:30am: Sawdust Pile (Children’s Event)
11am: Sack Races (Children’s Event)
12pm: Famous Ham and Beans Feed (In the Ruritan Building)
1pm: Car Show Awards
2pm: Big Parade Around The Square
3pm: Basketball Shoot
4pm: Pedal Pull (Children’s Event)
5pm: 50/50 Drawing
6pm: Crowning of Little Miss Frontier Days
7pm: Entertainment-Connor Atteberry
Sandwiches, Desserts and Drinks will be served all day at the Ruritan Building.
Vendors in the Park along with Cider, Sodas, Funnel Cake and Fried Pickles will be sold in the Park