The Board of Trustees of the Illinois Eastern Community College District met Tuesday night at Frontier Community College in Fairfield.
Chancellor Gower shared copies of the Illinois Community College Board Recognition (ICCB) Letter and Certificate that formally recognizes IECC through 2029. He thanked the faculty and staff that worked to aid in that process as well as the team who drafted IECC’s Assurance Argument for the Higher Learning Commission. Dr. Paul Bruinsma, Chief Academic Officer provided information regarding the upcoming Higher Learning Commission Reaffirmation of Accreditation Visit that is scheduled for December 2nd and 3rd.
The Board approved the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held on September 17th.
The FY2024 Student Complaint Annual Review was presented and accepted by the Board.
The Board waived the second reading and approve Policy 400.20 Family and Medical Leave which, in compliance with new federal statutes, reduces the required work hours for FMLA eligibility from 1,250 hours to 1,000 hours within the twelve months before the leave begins.
Affiliation agreements were approved with Harsha Behavioral Center and PT Solutions.
The Board approved the purchase of a Lincoln Electric VRTEX® 360 Compact virtual welder from American Welding & Gas, Inc. for $34,898.94. The expenditure is 100% supported by the Postsecondary Perkins award passed through the Illinois Community College Board.
Medical and dental insurance plans and premiums for calendar year 2025 were approved by the Board. The District network will continue to be through BlueCross BlueShield and rate renewals will remain flat.
Trustees approved a Health Savings Account contribution of $1,000 for each eligible employee who is enrolled in the District’s Qualified Deductible Health Plan for calendar year 2025.
The Board accepted the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Assurance Argument as prepared by the HLC Steering Committee and authorized Chancellor Gower to submit it to the HLC. The document demonstrates how the District continues to meet the HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation.
The expenditure to allow the District to begin emergency repairs to the east roof of the 2 Clemence Elizabeth Cox Hall at Frontier Community College was approved by the Board.
The bid committee recommendation was approved for acceptance of the bid for purchase of two new electric zero turn mowers for Frontier Community College received from Act Tire & Auto for $22,450.00 and Outdoor Power LLC for $20,199.00 for a combined total of $42,649.00. These mowers are being purchased utilizing a grant from the Illinois Green Energy Network (IGEN).
The following was approved as part of the personnel report: Approval of employment for Darrell Handelsman as Interim Head Baseball Coach at Olney Central College effective September 30th; Jennifer Jennings as Assistant Director of TRIO Upward Bound effective October 21st and Jayden Pinkston as Information Systems Technician at Lincoln Trail College effective October 21st
An annual bonus for MIT Instructors was approved.
The following employees title change from TRIO Student Support Services Academic Counselor to TRIO Student Support Services Academic Advisor was approved: Annie Lankford, Caleb Kamplain, Annie Matthews, and Cindy Smith.
Proposed non-college employment was approved for Becky Coleman at Richland Nursing & Rehab in Olney.
Resignation ratifications were approved for Vanessa Lowe as Nursing Instructor, Wabash Valley College effective September 20th and Joseph Brown as Truck Driving Instructor effective October 8th .
Retirement ratification was approved for Pauletta Gullet as Nursing Instructor at Lincoln Trail College effective December 31st.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, November 19th at 6:15 p.m. at Lincoln Trail College in Robinson.