The Carmi Chamber of Commerce is delighted to recognize the Carmi-White County Unit #5 as their Member of the Month for May.

The school district consists of five educational facilities: Lincoln Attendance Center, Jefferson Attendance Center, Washington Attendance Center, Brownsville School, and the CWC Junior and Senior High School. The district’s headquarters are at 211 W Robinson Street in Carmi, IL. Under the leadership of Superintendent Jarrod Newell, the district employs 229 teachers and staff members. This year marks the 110th annual high school graduation, celebrating a long-standing tradition of fostering student growth and celebrating numerous academic achievements.

Carmi-White County students enjoy a diverse array of academic and athletic opportunities. The district offers sports such as basketball, baseball, softball, football, volleyball, archery, golf, track and field, tennis, cross country, wrestling, and cheerleading. Additionally, students can engage in clubs and extracurricular activities including band, choir, drama, art, Key Club, National Honor Society, FFA, and various academic teams.

The 2023-2024 school year is drawing to a close, with the final day for students set for May 24th. The upcoming weeks will be filled with end-of-year field trips, appreciation events for teachers and staff, and various completion and awards ceremonies. The high school graduation ceremony is scheduled for May 14th at 7 PM on the football field, while the eighth-grade graduation will take place there on May 17th at 6 PM. Brownsville School will also host its completion ceremony on May 17th.

For more information about the district, visit their website at or follow the individual school pages on Facebook.