Thomason Cemetery Memorial Day Services In Wayne City


Thomason Cemetery in Wayne City will be hosting the 49th annual Memorial Day Services on May 27th at 2 p.m.

The welcome will be given by Sharon White, with the prayer being given by Gary Cline.

The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the Wayne City Boy Scouts. The Star Spangled Banner will be sung by Jennifer Cline.

The reading of Veterans buried in Thomason Cemetery during the past year will be presented by Chris Draper.

Memorial Day speaker will be Lamar Choate.

The closing ceremony will be by the American Legion 176 and VFW Post 4535 and will include placing of a Memorial Wreath at the Veteran’s Monument with the Color Guard Firing Squad presenting a 21 gun salute followed by the playing of Taps.

Everyone is welcome to attend the services. Please bring lawn chairs.